Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 41: December 23, 2015, Odds and Ends Before Christmas

Elaborate holiday window display.  Each large store has about five windows with animated displays.  The kids love them.

Candy shop employees dressed up.

And their yummy wares.

Nice view on a nicely decorated street.

Another bunch of "locks of love."

A government building with patriotic lighting.

Another decorated street.

Apple erected this four story ad, topped by a replica picture of what is being coveted up.  The entire display is actually s scaffolding cover. Clever.

I have no idea who this character is, but he seemed cute.

A professionally made sand castle, made as a demonstration for kids at the Pompidou Museum.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Ron. Glad I'm finally getting caught up on here! :-)
