Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 60(b): Orsay Museum

One of my favorite places is the Musee de Orsay. For many years it was an abandoned train station, too small for modern trains.  It's a great open space for art.

The museum holds some notable works by a truly tragic figure.  This artist was from Holland but did much of his work France.  He was certainly crazy, spending time in an asylum, commuting self-mutilation to impress a woman, and an abject failure while alive.  During his career he sold exactly one painting, to his brother (probably out of kindness and pity) for $500.  His art was universally scorned by critics and collectors alike.

He said he painted what he dreamed.  He commited suicide at age 37.  It turned to a lose of epic proportions.  He has been celebrated in popular film and song.  His works now sell for over $100 million.  Some of his work is shown below.

Can't forget the pointillist movement.  Some of these paintings are made up of over 250,000 dots!

Day 60 (a): I've Been Busy

Trying to get in my last tourist stuff before I leave Paris.  These are a few photos from my visit to the Louvre.

The Mona Lisa is painted on a poplar board, not canvas.  It's stored in a helium gas atmosphere, so it looks yellowish.

There is an Apple store in the underground space next to the Louvre.  Amazing!

The Venus de Millo.  The arms were probably supported by iron bars inside the stone.

Winged Victory