Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 39, DECEMBER 21, 2015, A Somber Sight

My friends Brad and Sharon left for home last Tuesday.  We missed doing two things, one of which was visiting one site of the November 13th terrorist attacks, the Bataclan Theater.  It was a well know music venue before the attack.  The police had two buses parked out front during their invetigation, but they are now gone.

The attacks have struck France hard.  This is a society that cherishes its liberties and acceptance of outsiders.  France has strong ties to its former colonies, many of which are Muslim majority (including Algeria and Syria).  France has a significant Muslim population that is growing faster than the majority Christian population.  The French national government has imposed new restrictions aimed at countering terrorism, and there is talk of amending the Consitution to incorporate civil rights limits.  There are more police and army troops on the streets than before, tourist sites have new entry searches and barriers have been put to restrict vehicle movement (aka car bombs) around tourist sites.  It feels a lot like post-9/11 in the states.

I do not believe France has been broken by these latest attacks.  A bit bruised maybe, certainly shocked and saddened, but not broken.  France has survived much worse before; she will come through these troubles just fine.  Changed s little, but just fine.  This the France of history.  This is the France I know.

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