Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 23: Christmas is Coming (December 5, 2015

There is a 'black Friday' in Paris even though they have no Thanksgiving holiday here.  It's amazing how much American culture shows up overseas, even in Franco centric Paris.  Ttry to name a French food chain America (sorry, Au Bon Paine is an American chain).  In Paris there are many McDonalds and KFCs, and a few BKs.  And a lot of cafes advertise serving burgers.  Its easy to find someone who speaks English as second language, but imagine the Frenchman who does not speak English looking for directions in America.

So Parisians have started their Christmas season.  I see signs in shops that hours will be reduced before and between the holidays.  Streets and shops are decorated, ad shown below.  I'll post some pics of the big stores shop windows later, which attract crowds at all hours.

Temporary vendor stalls neat Toulerie Gardens, hundreds of them, only for Christmas.  Very festive atmosphere, although they mostly sell ready to eat foods and cheap imported goods.  There are a few specialty or regional food sellers, like shellfish from Normandy or holiday cheeses and chocolates.

Shops across from the Louvre.

There was high security at this fancy hotel during the start of the Climate meetings.  But they also had Christmas decorations.

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