Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 21: Trapped Like a Rat! (12/03/15)

Traveling light means I don't have a lot of spare replacement items.  One rain jacket, one fleece jacket, one pair of shoes.  I hope each item lasts the trip, but if not I'll get it repaired or replaced.  That's the plan for now.

Then I ran into a problem of language and planning.  I attempted to do my first load of laundry in my apartment.  The apartment is equipped with a small combination washer/dryer.  It has French labels and a French cheat sheet, all of which are a puzzle to me.

I managed to get the machine started, but I could not get it spin dry or heat dry the load.  I was stuck with dripping wet clothes in December in Paris.  Very frustrating.  I looked on line but all I found were manuals in other languages.  It took many tries, but I eventually figured the washer had stopped for me to add softener and hit start again.  Now I can do laundry in France!

Actually, I have used coin operated laundries here before, so I always had that backup option.  No worries, but its nicer to do laundry in house.

I apologise for all the recent typos on the blog.  I have been using the touch screen pad on Chuck, which is small and error prone.  The small keyboard I brought with me is terrible as keys stick or don't register.  I am expecting delivery of a new full sized keyboard this week.

No pics this time because who wants to see a photo of an appliance?

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