Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 19 (12/01/15): Guess Who Dropped By?

I walked by the theatre where some of the November 12th attacks occurred.  Lots of people, lots of security around.  Very somber.

Around 10 p.m. I was walking home when I started to notice traffic along the Siene River's left bank was getting lighter than usual.  Then I saw the police blocking off the side streets and telling bicyclists to stay on the sidewalk.  Then everything was eriely quiet for the center of Paris.

I hung out by the road for 15 minutes before the big payoff: President Obama's motorcade sped by, with the expected police and press part of the parade.  I tried to take pictures but they went by too fast.  If I were thinking ahead it would have made a good movie clip.  By the flags on the President's Cadillac the French President was in the car also.  I deduce from their timing and direction they were headed to American compound and/or the French President's residence, which are near each other.

The next day I did a long walk and got some Paris life photos.  The big Ferris wheel is around until January, then it is disassembled and moved outside Paris.  They say of takes two days to take down.  I hope to ride it soon.

The rows of bikes are a common sight here, a program where you can borrow a bike and leave it elsewhere.  I plan to get a bike rental pass for my last month in Paris.  One problem with the bike sysytem is that bad evening commuting weather causes bikes to overflow in the office areas because commuters will take a bus, subway or train home when its too cold or wet to ride the bike.  I've seen bike system vehicles redistributing bikes around Paris late at night.

The last photos are of a light show on the assembly building by an activist group.  Lots young people handing out leaflets or collecting signatures on the sidewalks every day.

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