Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Beijing Days: Almost Home!

I seem to go to China every ten years, and I am amazed every time.  When I was there in the early 1980s there was news that the first private car had been purchased in Cina (by a woman).  Now it is the world's largest car market.  And the traffic to go with it.

Describing China can be done just by listing superlatives: largest, longest, fastest, biggest, most of this or that, etc., etc.  And Beijing is one of those places that is a superlative in China.  Amazing, just amazing.

My few days are taken up with walking and sights.  The Forbidden City is truly large enough to be a city unto itself.  Tienamen Square has had the bloodied bricks removed from 1999 student demonstrations.  There are police checkpoints for all pedistrians near the Square.  I can't imagine such a thing back home.  The subways are efficient and not too crowded.  Better than taking a cab.

On the second day I opt for the Military Museum, which I have never seen.  It is full of Chinese and Russian equipment, plus some American and European stuff.  Maybe from the Vietnam or Korean Wars?  No Westerners in sight here.

I take a cab to the airport during the day.  The amount of industry we pass rivals any city in the states, maybe more.  Coal power plants are everywhere, traffic is awful.

My departure from China is without fanfare.  I had decided to spring for business class for te flight home using my miles.  Well worth it for the 17 hour flight.

I'll post some final remarks, tips and observations in my final blog.

Mao's Tomb, by Tienamen Square.

Tienamen Square

A McDonalds by the Military Museum. 

Military Museum 

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