Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 61: Conspiracy Theory?

I don't believe it.  I can't believe it.  It can't possibly be true.  I get reminding myself that correlation is not causation.  This can't be me.  I am not the cause of these distant events.

But the facts are there.  A few hours before I depart for Paris there is a major terrorist attack in the city.  Today, few hours before I depart for Istanbul there is a major terrorist attack in the city.  Is there some hidden connection here or am I just unlucky?

Mothers, hide your children.  Men, bolt the doors.  Soldiers, man the ramparts.  Everyone, beware because I am coming to visit your city, your town, your homes.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid!

I know I can not possibly be responsible for the troubles that seem to precede my arrival.  But if you reside where I am going, I am susceptible to bribes to encourage detours.

My stop after Istanbul is Jerusalem.  Should I worry?  Or should they?


  1. These were my thoughts exactly when I heard the news. Of all the damned luck! Visiting cities under siege . . . tourism in the new age.
